In photos: The Bollywwod power couple as Lakme Fashion Week showstoppers.
In photos: The showstopper's latest walk down the ramp will also stop your heart.
#Budget2018 resulted in over 14 lakh conversations on Twitter.
Check out the photos...
The diva was royalty at Lakme Fashion Week.
This parade of stars includes Nimrat Kaur, Surveen Chawla, Sagarika Ghatge, Patralekha...
Have you ever been hangry? Or met Aunt Flo?
Model Kate Upton makes allegations against the co-founder of Guess.
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No, it is NOT because Shah Rukh Khan now has more Twitter followers!
Experts who work on race and gender issues have now put together a syllabus for desis.
The couple ended their marriage with a cute message.
5 other politically-charged fashion choices in recent times.
Israel has broken its tourism record of Indian arrivals for the second consecutive year!
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Here's what you can do to keep your gadget safe.
Readers share their food pics. You can share yours too!
A glimpse of the behind-the-scenes action.